I am grateful for the replies. They are all insightful and helpful.

I've looked over my trading record and there have been stretches like this past week previously. A series of green positive trades is interrupted by a string of red losers. The nightmare begins when one (in this case, me) tries to win back the losses in hurry and the losses compound. Every athlete or chess player or salesperson or, yes, trader, knows the feeling I believe. In baseball, hitters have slumps. Most of the time there is no single answer to free the performer from the quicksand. I would bet, however, that renewed patience and a trust in one's inner self (which Billy quickly pointed out) are probably most important to recovery.

Think or Swim is a very powerful trading platform. High Growth Stock software is similarly powerful. Often I feel overwhelmed with one or the other or both. I enjoy very much the metaphor of an airliner cockpit. I fantasize about constructing a high powered computer system with multiple monitors-- especially when I see photographs of traders who operate effectively and successfully in such an environment. But I also know that the graduate student who introduced me to trading conducts research and make trades with only a small lap top. She can't understand why one might need two screens and laughs at how hyper I appear on skype during the trading day. Somehow I need to turn down the noise.

If I have one strong suit from years of teaching, it is this: I'm able to spot people who do quality work and who have substantial potential to contribute. I'm here now because I see tremndous potential for me and for others in the group assembled here. This should be fun and profitable for all.

Most gratefully,