
This is all part of the need for a line in the sand for automatic trading systems. The optimal entry price is derived from the algorithm that gave the best entry level for optimal long term risk-adjusted returns. It is also frustrating when it is missed by just a few cents. But remember that the robot's first objective is to minimize the risks before chasing big returns. It is always easy to recover from a lost opportunity, much harder from lost capital. Currently we only have lost opportunities, not lost capital.
My view is that experienced, advanced discretionary traders can take more risks as they are better in managing their risk. I see no problem for them with using the robots as a discretionary guide and entering at a different price than the robot. And yes, that's what I do sometimes for my own accounts. But i will not talk of my discretionary trades here -even if inspired by the robot - because I can be wrong and much confusing to disciplined robot followers or novice traders.