The Market School exposure model remains at +5 or 100% invested. We only have two distributin days in the count. It has been at the 100% invested level since January 6. It took me a while to ramp up to that level of exposure because I believed that leading CANSLIM stocks were lagging what the indexes were showing. There is greater traction now in the market leaders. My holdings include: KORS, SWI, TDG, MNST, MELI, TSCO, BWLD. I also hold GLD but do not consider that a CANSLIM play. KORS shows the most gains, up 21%. I normally take profits in positions from 20-25%. I conducted a recent study however with IPOs that showed that IPOs probably should be held until much higher, from 40% to 200+% gains if Mr. Market allows.

The recent break to a multi-year high by the NASDAQ I have to admit surprised me. It was an obvious place for the bears to reassert control. It appears the bears are hibernating right now.