Position Date Bought Return Days Call
BKI 5/31/2011 -2.78% 64 Hold
CFI 6/22/2011 15.58% 42 Buy
SE 6/27/2011 -0.57% 37 Hold
AWR 7/5/2011 -2.45% 29 Hold
CLH 7/6/2011 7.52% 28 Hold
GCI 7/14/2011 -11.90% 20 Hold

Mousetrap Return 0.90%
S&P Return -6.31%

Mousetrap Annualized 8.97%
S&P Annualized -36.00%

Annualized Advantage 44.97%

Good to see the return back to positive today. The model extended its advantage today over the S&P, but it's still too early in the test for the metrics to stabilize.

Current buy slot is CFI.