Position Date Bought Return Days Call
BKI 5/31/2011 9.64% 62 Hold
CFI 6/22/2011 9.21% 40 Buy
SE 6/27/2011 2.53% 35 Hold
AWR 7/5/2011 -2.70% 27 Hold
CLH 7/6/2011 -0.90% 26 Hold
GCI 7/14/2011 -7.64% 18 Hold

Average Return 1.69%
Annualized Return 17.81%

Back in positive territory. Very strange day today. My hedged account, which lost money all last week, gained all of it back today. The Mousetrap (above) did well also.

Hopefully the can kicked down the road will calm things for a few months. I dread the resumption of the debate during the dangerous fall season, though. Can't be helped, I suppose.

Long live the moment!
