Quote Originally Posted by Timothy Clontz View Post
One possibility would be to use Billy's lowest short price as an exit for a long position, but I also remember several months ago that Billy said such price "targets" significantly underperformed stops.

The other possibility would be to simply exit at the previous day's closing price as I set up for the next shorting opportunity.

The issue WILL come up again. Whatever I set up as the rule will hold through the test.

If your goal is to use the IWM robot signals on the other ETFs for testing potential outperformance with your system, I would indeed hold the XLK position with a trailing stop like you do now as long as the robot remains long, even if IWM is stopped out. XLK is currently giving an edge and it must be exploited. You may continue to use the indicative stop % that I send you, but be very careful never to lower your stop from any previous day. The correct trailing stop on XLK is yesterday's close minus today's % stop or 1.81%. If XLK closes higher today, you may raise the trailing stop at today's close minus the % stop stop that I'll send tomorrow morning. You only raise the stop when the latest close minus % stop rise from the previous stop level.
Once the IWM robot issues a short signal, I would exit XLK on next day's open, because the signal can only be issued EOD after the close.