Small Portfolio XLF & IAU 10.60%

Position Date Return Days
VG 10/27/2011 -34.65% 297
BT 1/4/2012 13.29% 228
SAI 5/30/2012 9.12% 81
XEC 6/5/2012 22.59% 75
DECK 6/15/2012 5.79% 65
CVX 7/5/2012 5.76% 45
RIMM 7/16/2012 3.03% 34
UEIC 7/30/2012 22.38% 20
QSII 8/6/2012 11.55% 13
CECO 8/9/2012 -4.86% 10

S&P Annualized 4.44%
Small Portfolio Annualized 8.68%
Large Portfolio Annualized 18.71%

No rotation tomorrow, but there will be one by next Monday (at the latest).
Behind the scenes, mining and railroad stocks continue to accumulate money-flow, and the next rotation may pick one of those stocks.
The combination of those two industries points to another liquidity rally, but I seriously doubt that it will happen. Sometimes the big players are wrong. The only true protection for those times when technicals fail is a solid long term fundamental basis for the stocks in our portfolio.
Of the ten worst industries on my model, four of them are in the utilities sector, and indeed on my sector model XLU is now the weakest sector. These also point to a break out to new highs on the S&P – PREDICATED on central bank liquidity. The smart money is betting on QE3. As I said, sometimes the smart money is wrong.
In the long run, the market goes up. In the short run, well… we can enjoy the ride while it lasts.
But the day it becomes obvious uncle Ben isn’t pouring any more syrup on our flapjacks, watch out.