Investors who follow Investors Business Daily CANSLIM techniques need to know NASDAQ volume compared to the volume of the day before to find out if we have a distribution day or a follow-through day. IBD,, and MarketSmith obtain final volume long after the close directly from the site. Until they crank in the final volume a couple of hours after the market close, you won't know for sure where you are. Trying to use alternate sources is problematic as everyone lists slightly different volume. I have been tracking the IBD after-the-close adjustments and find them too erratic to predict. I have found where lists NASDAQ volume at this URL:

This should be the gold standard for NASDAQ volume. Volume is indicated in the table and labeled "Total Share Volume". This source appears to be operating in near real time (you have to refresh your browser). The end-of-day volume should be the same as what appears in IBD sources.