Pascal has a far more robust model than mine, of course. What I wanted to note, though, was that his model works on Effective Volume and mine works on a build-up of NON-effective Volume.

Basically he's showing when volume begins to affect price, and I work on a disconnect between volume and price.

Since the two models have different foundations, they don't work well together.

Right now my sector model is long XLB (the materials sector) and also long ABX (in the Gold mining industry). My sector model averages about a month for each trade, and ABX is designed for a little over two months.

The typical holding period for Pascal's models is much shorter.

Since our models do NOT work well together, my GUESS (strong emphasis on GUESS) is that any long positions on GDX may have some stumbling for a spell before working out. Short positions may start off well and then get stopped out.

Again, I'm just guessing here, but it's an educated guess based on a study Pascal did a while back on my model.
