Small Portfolio XLU & IAU 19.53%
Sector XLU 29.86%
Secular IAU 9.19%

Large Portfolio Date Return Days
RIMM 7/16/2012 118.48% 187
SEAC 9/25/2012 31.82% 116
CAJ 9/25/2012 9.56% 116
DDAIF 9/25/2012 12.06% 116
CFI 10/31/2012 40.24% 80
RE 11/26/2012 8.01% 54
CGX 12/12/2012 9.48% 38
PAAS 12/20/2012 2.96% 30
OKE 12/28/2012 11.34% 22
HTSI 1/14/2013 0.46% 5

S&P Annualized 6.26%
Small Portfolio Annualized 11.49%
Sector Model Annualized 17.27%
Large Portfolio Annualized 34.95%

S&P Total 10.46%
Small Portfolio Total 19.53%
Sector Model Total 29.86%
Large Portfolio Total 63.49%

Small Portfolio Advantage 5.23%
Sector Model Advantage 11.02%
Large Portfolio Advantage 28.69%

NOTE: all return numbers are from the launch of the live model on 5/31/2011.

Rotation: selling PAAS; buying STRA (again).

As always, a negative gap will cancel the trade.

I’ve included more numbers today because the model is approaching a milestone I never thought it could reach: outperformance over the S&P by 30% (not there yet, but REAL close).

I’ll have more to write tomorrow. Many thanks to Bill Spetrino for taking note of my tax revenue studies in Newsmax:

quoted here:

There’s more detail to give on WHY 35% tax rates is the point of contention, and the coming tax rate war between the Federal government and the States. But that’s for tomorrow’s post.
