Small Portfolio XLF & IAU 20.28%

Position Date Return Days
DECK 6/15/2012 -19.34% 100
CVX 7/5/2012 10.59% 80
RIMM 7/16/2012 -10.90% 69
UEIC 7/30/2012 33.85% 55
QSII 8/6/2012 8.99% 48
SWM 8/23/2012 4.28% 31
FCX 8/27/2012 12.51% 27
DWA 9/4/2012 4.48% 19
DVN 9/7/2012 5.02% 16
NPK 9/21/2012 3.04% 2

S&P Annualized 6.49%
Small Portfolio Annualized 15.40%
Large Portfolio Annualized 16.87%

The Mousetrap doesn’t time for one very good reason: it tends to turn before the market does.
By the time it’s time to time, the time is passed for the model.
I had some sharp drops this week.
The Canary in the coal mine isn’t doing so well.
Be careful out there.