Small Portfolio XLF & IAU 20.16%

Position Date Return Days
DECK 6/15/2012 1.94% 92
CVX 7/5/2012 10.07% 72
RIMM 7/16/2012 4.28% 61
UEIC 7/30/2012 34.15% 47
QSII 8/6/2012 16.09% 40
SWM 8/23/2012 6.80% 23
FCX 8/27/2012 18.02% 19
DWA 9/4/2012 6.72% 11
CAJ 9/5/2012 11.45% 10
DVN 9/7/2012 9.07% 8

S&P Annualized 6.92%
Small Portfolio Annualized 15.57%
Large Portfolio Annualized 22.29%

As expected, Bernanke pulled the trigger: QE3 is here.
Enjoy the ride.
No trades going into the week, but there may be one in the last half of the week.
There’s really nothing to say at this point. It will last until it stops.