
Thanks for making this threat “sticky”. I am going to post each day the current settings of the Combo-MF model.
The research/back tests that I have done on the Combo-MF idea is just a mind teaser for me. I want to learn to trade in a professional way and become good at it.
I have the time to learn and a serious technical background in accounting and software development. I am not visual skilled and find it very hard to see, recognize or trust patterns on a quote chart. Therefore I look at numbers and try to find patterns or connections between the different numerical information that is at hand in the financial market.
My intention is to create a mechanical trading system that I can trust because I have back tested it myself. Such a system must have as few as possible decision knobs because otherwise I find it too rigid for failures.
I have a way that I trust my intuition but only after I have trustworthy evidence. My intuition tells me that there should be a way to build a mechanical trading system with the EV data at hand for trading the best stocks in the best sectors. A mechanical trading system that I would trust would have to work without human intervention to exclude the most common errors in trading: fear and greed.
I have some ideas and would like to do thorough research and back testing. Since I only have been a member of this forum since October 2011, I only have 5 months of EV data on individual stocks.
Is there a way that I can obtain EV data for individual stocks as far back as possible?
I think I would need the values “Strength Aver Tot EV”, “Extension Tot EV”, “LER” and “Rating” for each stock for every day.
How can I collect this information?