
The human mind is very puzzling to me and many others, regardless of our credentials. I can write that I'm even puzzled by my own. Six months ago I knew the robot was the right route, but only now I have put this into practice.

So, from theory to practice, I know the human mind is often confused (the night of the soul, as G.W.F. Hegel put it) but in need of certainty (cogito ergo sum or, in the vernacular of the time, Je pense donc je suis, René Descartes).

The market is confusing; the robot does not provide certainty, only the probability of a given outcome, much like options. Unfortunately, as you agree, we cannot know when to put on a trade until the robot dictates nor can we know its success until it concludes.

Perhaps you could shine the light on selling puts to hedge a short position?