Dear Billy and/or Pascal,

Disclaimer - This question is not directly related to the Robot's current position, but rather an example of how to use the EV tools.

When/if you get a free moment. I have been monitoring the GDX Robot position and honestly, from what I can infer using EV tools, it looks bullish (large player EV has been increasing, bounce off lower boundary, PM sector looks poised to break above 0 with one more positive day, etc). I know the GDX robot uses other tools (TEV extension, etc.) but I just wanted to ask if I am interpreting the EV tools correctly? If I was not a Robot subscriber, I would consider GDX a long candidate, am I reading the tea leaves properly? How do you interpret GDX this morning, ignoring the Robot?

Of course, todays headlines, Europe, etc. can change everything.
