I enjoyed reading the Darvas book. It shows very well the journey every trader goes trough.
Another interesting book is The Perfect Stock by Brad Koteshwar. That book follows a number of fictional characters trading TASR during it's record run.

Nothing in the stock market happens without reason. And the folks with the money make things happen. And there is reason behind every move. The reason may or may not be obvious and in many cases it never becomes clear. Most of the times it does not become clear to even the most astute of observers. Should the astute observer figure out the reason behind any specific move, it is most times clear only in hindsight.

All participants in the market are human beings. There are no aliens or animal participants. It follows, therefore, everything that happens in the market is due to human action. Humans are the only buyers and sellers. The price settles at the end of the day at a level where all the buyers and the sellers for a particular stock come to a balanced agreement for a price for that day. What happens intraday is mainly noise.
Only now there are also robot participants ;)