
Thank you for the candid post. I think experience is the only way to learn in the markets. Don't be surprised by setbacks. Like you, I am experiencing a bull cycle for the first time in my life and have also had setbacks. In hindsight, doing nothing would have often been a better decision. But one doesn't live in hindsight, so learning to let go is an important and ongoing lesson. Additionally, such experiences provide insight about your own identity as a trader and an investor.

We don't possess the experience that others like Mike, Billy, and Pascal have, which includes trading through multiple market cycles. The best thing for me has been to surround myself with such company, be persistent, and learn. Writing is really helpful for me to explore my progress and where I need work. Also, you sound like you have an interest in discretionary trading. That is something I have thought about a lot, since it likely requires more time, practice, and patience than following a mechanical system; however, that realm is where I have a candid interest, so I am still pursuing it even though much energy is demanded. I wouldn't know this about myself, though, if not for exploring various approaches. If you can't shake that interest, then it will be important to figure out what methods you would like to incorporate into your analysis.

I am thankful that you are here participating.
