Position Bought Return Call
BKI 5/31/2011 14.40% Hold
CFI 6/22/2011 25.79% Hold
SE 6/27/2011 4.50% Hold
AWR 7/5/2011 -1.05% Hold
CLH 7/6/2011 5.33% Hold
GCI 7/14/2011 0.37% Buy

This translates to an average annualized return of 92.35%. I mention this, because that's likely to be DRASTICALLY reduced this week, ;-).

That's the trouble with a long-only model. Looks great on an uptick, but on a downtick its goal is just to look "less bad" than the broad market.

The current buy position is GCI, but I expect it to become even more of a "bargain" before the week is through. Hopefully the politicians will stop posturing long enough to keep from destroying themselves. I feel like a spectator caught between Rocky Balboa and Mr. T...

Times like this make me appreciate the Robot even more.