Quote Originally Posted by GaryT View Post
Good write-up Mike. It'll be interesting to see how evidence mounts (or doesn't) to support this over the next few years. If that's long enough to formulate a trend. I'm curious how this will impact the "climate warming" story. Would we begin to see reversal evidence such as the rate of thawing of the polar ice packs, changes in sea level, and precipitation patterns. Most importantly, how quickly we may see change and the rate of change.
I had a quick smile when you asked: How will this impact the "climate warming" story. All weather phenomenon will support the climate warming story whether it does or doesn't. This is politics. It is very difficult to get the right story when money, power, and control are involved. We only get worst case scenarios.

I believe that filling the planet with excess CO2 will have negative consequences. I also think that we are slipping into a grand solar minimum. Grand solar minimums are cyclical phenomena that last maybe 50-70 years. When the cycle is over, the chickens will come home to roost.