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    The EV Web site is organized in different sections.

    1. The Forum section

    This is where you find stock market discussions:
    The Value In Time Forum discusses general matter and is opened to all
    The High Growth Stocks Investing Forum discusses the stock selection of Mike Scott.
    The Stock Selection Forum discusses short-term trade ideas.

    2. The Comments section

    There are four type of comments:
    The Comment of the day is daily published before markets open. It is accessible only to EOD database subscribers
    The Comment of the Week, the Comment of the Month and the Comments Archives are freely accessible

    3. The EOD EV database

    This database is organized in a Pyramidal way: Market, Sectors and Stocks.
    The Market: The "20DMF" section, accessible only to EOD subscribers, shows the Market Direction Model
    The Sectors: The left side of the web site allows you to scroll down to specific sectors
    The Stocks: The "USA" section allows you to see the specific EV graphs of stocks traded in the US. This section is accessible to EOD database subscribers

    In order to offer an easier access to data related to a specific stock, we are providing a single pyramid type representation of the data, which looks like the screen shot shown below:

    Here is a short explanation on how to read this Pyramid.
    First, at a glance, you see whether there are more red or green dots. This tells you if the stock is a potential short or a long trade.

    The color code for the dots is as follows:
    - Two green dots: strong buy
    - One green dot: buy
    - One red dot: sell
    - Two red dots: strong sell

    Then, the Pyramid data is read from bottom to the top

    1. The Market section of the Pyramid:

    This section tells you the status of the 20DMF Model. On September 12, The 20DMF was in a "Bought" mode, a signal that had been issued six days earlier. You will note that we also show the potential expected S&P500 returns for the following three and five days. This statistical data has been calculated using past signals, counting the number of days since the signal was issued and then looking at the S&P500 returns for the following days.

    On September 12, we can see that the potential returns were not too good, simply because "Bought" signals are usually issued at the end of an uptrend, where most of the uptrend gains have been already made.

    2. The Sector section of the Pyramid:

    This section First tells you the sector name "Internet" for GOOG and the status of the sector "Short" for the Internet sector on September 12.

    You then get the sector ranking. Here, the Internet sector was ranked 38/100 among sectors that were in a short mode (Consider ranks that are 75 or higher.) This is a low rank, which means a weak sector short signal. Indeed, the potential gain for the sector in the next five days is slightly positive, which means that the sector is at best neutral.

    3. The Stocks Section of the Pyramid:

    This section shows what I believe are the most important data points related to a specific stock. This data is extracted from the repository file that can be downloaded here

    The LER stands for Large Effective Ratio. It is a measure of the Large Player's accumulation strength.

    The Supply is a measure of the probability for shareholders to sell their shares. A supply lower than 10% is positive. A low supply combined to AB that is close to NB is a positive.

    Here is a link that explains the Supply Graphs:

    Here is a link that explains where to find the Supply data:

    The 20D RS means the Relative strength for the past 20 days. Consider RS higher than 75.

    The Active Boundaries situation: This indicates where the signal is located: LB = Lower Boundary, NB = Neutral Boundary and HB = High Boundary.
    HB are stocks that are at the top of their trend. (HB combined with a high LER is a positive)
    LB are stocks that are at the bottom of their trend (LB combined with a low LER is a negative)
    NB are stocks for which shareholders have a neutral stance (the average return is close to 0%.) These stocks could be pulling back to a strong support zone. NB combined to a low Supply level and/or a strong LER is a positive.

    4. The Filters Section

    This section is accessible to EOD database subscribers. It allows you an access to the different data repository files as well as to stock extraction filters.

    I mainly use:

    - The Low Supply Stocks Filter:
    Stocks to Buy because their supply level is below 10% and their accumulation (LER) higher than 100
    - The High Supply Stocks Filter:
    Stocks to Buy because their supply level is higher than 10% and their accumulation (LER) lower than -100

    5. The Real Time section

    This section is accessible to subscribers of the EV RT.

    This is where:
    - In a single page you can view the stocks you are interested in (You can load your list in the Profile section of your user account.)
    - You can have access to the Real Time Effective Volume Figures of all the equities trades in the US and in Canada, as well as the most common commodities, bonds, currencies or index futures
    - You Can view the Supply charts of the stocks that are in the EV database.

    6. The High Growth Stocks Selection Section

    This section is opened to all for now. It is managed by Mike.
    Mike will post once a week his list of interesting leading stocks to trade.
    Users have also access to the High Volume Trigger alert table. This is a Real-time volume monitoring system that alerts users when a high-growth stock is being heavily purchased. We plan to send email alert messages to users.

    7. The Short Term Stocks Selection Section

    This section is opened to subscribers to the dual trading models. It includes:

    - a daily/weekly list of stocks that are automatically selected either to buy or short, depending on the 20DMF direction model's status.
    - daily portfolio management articles that states the hows and whys of position changes.
    - Users receive email messages whenever a position is changed.

    Between September 2013 and September 2014, the Portfolio performed twice better than the S&P500.

    Past results can be found here:

    Past Portfolio Management Articles can be accessed here:

    8. The Trading Models Section

    This section calculates in real-time the evolution of the trading models.

    The 20DMF

    The main model the 20DMF.

    It is the Real-time version of the EOD 20DMF that can be found here (EOD Subscribers accessible link): http://www.effectivevolume.com/content.php?539-20DMF

    The 20DMF RT system inform you of the actual status and the probability of a status change during the day. When a status change occurs, an email is sent to subscribers.

    The Align function allows day-trader to act when price and MF show divergences.

    The GDX Trading Model and the XLX models allow you to trade specific ETFs when the MF and prices shown divergences.

    The list of the available XLX models is below:

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