• Comments for October 6, 2017

    I could take the comment of yesterday and paste it here: money continued moving in the big caps yesterday as Treasuries were being sold.

    Index investor spent also more money into QQQ/SPY.

    US rates continued moving higher. The relation between higher rates and a higher S&P500 were not straightforward in the past year though.

    Note that the US$ has been strong against all other currencies, but I find it strange that large players are mostly not buying the US$ here.

    The small caps attracted the least money.


    Same as yesterday: as far as US Treasuries are sold and liquidity move into already very expensive equities assets, large caps/popular ETFS will continue attracting most of the money simply because they are the most liquid instruments.

    Is this a sign that inflation is going to shoot higher? Is it a sign that China is selling US Treasuries? Is it a sign that the new tax deal will greatly help profitability?

    Maybe all three together or maybe something else such as trend following algos.