• Comments for August 9, 2017

    "The country is stronger than one man" is the thinking that propelled investors to buy the dips when Kennedy was assassinated.

    Today, the country still may be more resilient than one man, but that one man seems to enjoy being at the top of a powerful army, and with NK trying hard to push Trump in the war corner, the markets are sensing that we could be edging closer to a major armed conflict.

    A market all time high in the context of a major armed conflict does not need many pages of analysis to point to potential risks.

    So yes, we opened on a gap-up and closed at the low of the day. This type of move does not tell us anything except that market perception changed yesterday.

    The Euro/US$ also confirmed its recent reversal.


    We are well past the point of market analysis here. I believe that central banks will need to come in to the markets sooner rather than later in order to keep stability.

    I suspect that we could see a day with a 1% price crash.