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05-12-2014, 10:30 AM
The S&P500 is running for a new high today.
In such conditions, even pigs are flying.
Tech and the Russell are outperforming, thanks to shorts covering.

You can buy intraday pull-backs as we could have an official follow-through today, which means that more shorts will cover tomorrow... and that will play a bullish pattern with the options expiration as a target for a shakeout reversal.



05-12-2014, 11:57 AM
Currently (noon EDT) NASDAQ volume is running 12% behind Friday's volume. A lot of people are going to have to hit the buy key to get a follow-through.

05-12-2014, 12:56 PM
Currently (noon EDT) NASDAQ volume is running 12% behind Friday's volume. A lot of people are going to have to hit the buy key to get a follow-through.

Thanks Mike!

It is good that you are there to check on this issue, because I have no access to a time-weighted volume comparison.
