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View Full Version : 07/29/2012 Mousetrap: selling NLY, buying UEIC

Timothy Clontz
07-29-2012, 11:31 AM
Small Portfolio XLF & IAU 9.68%

Position Date Return Days
CSGS 10/3/2011 40.04% 300
NLY 10/25/2011 17.60% 278
KBR 10/27/2011 -6.48% 276
VG 10/27/2011 -49.85% 276
BT 1/4/2012 10.32% 207
SAI 5/30/2012 1.73% 60
XEC 6/5/2012 15.96% 54
DECK 6/15/2012 -7.02% 44
CVX 7/5/2012 1.76% 24
RIMM 7/16/2012 1.72% 13

S&P Annualized 2.60%
Small Portfolio Annualized 8.32%
Large Portfolio Annualized 9.03%

On Monday the model will rotate, selling NLY and buying UEIC (Universal Electronics).
NLY has benefited from the actions of the American Fed, but with the baton being passed to European Treasury intervention, the industries tracked by the model are shifting rapidly.
It would be speculation to dig more into the news than that.
Personally, I’m not optimistic. I think last week’s surge was a fake-out. The market should go down again for a while. The Mousetrap is timing agnostic, but it’s only fair to say that I have some short positions out there. On my sector model, XLK looks like a good short for the next move down.