View Full Version : Thank you for your support in 2011

12-31-2011, 05:52 AM
2011 has gone very fast for the our team.

As you have noted, in May, we switched from the old VIT forum to this new venue, which not only integrates the VIT Forum, the EV database and most importantly the four new discussion groups.

Our VIT group is growing at a pace of about 20 new members per month. I unfortunately have had no time to greet one by one each new member, so please allow me to welcome the 166 new members who joined since July. Our group is now close to 600. Fortunately, only half are active on a daily base, which makes this group fun to interact with.

At the end of a period, we need to thank all those without whom this service would not exist and present our resolutions for 2012.

My thanks first go to
- My partner Billy, former NASDAQ market maker, who takes great care to respond to your questions and guide you on the Multi-Pivot forum. Billy's eye-sight has been declining and I know how difficult it is for him to both trade and actively post,
- My other partner, Thanassis who heads the R&D team. This includes the Real-Time development, the web design and maintenance, the back-office and whatever is needed for this to work. Let's not forget that Thanassis has also to manage his 10 people High-tech company in almost bankrupt Greece, with all the extreme daily pressure this implies,
- The three forum managers: Paul, Bob and Mike. Each of these forums welcome a few hundred members. if you did not join yet, please do. They are free and a good way to learn something new.
- I would like to also thank Eric for his weekly reviews, Ilona who is editing my daily comments for the use of proper English, Dallas who helped with the FAQ and I am sure I am forgetting someone here..

Finally, more difficult are the good resolutions for 2012:
- My main regret is that I could not spend enough time to teach the EV method, to organise webinars or a comprehensive presentation package. So, I want to correct this point in 2012. If I cannot find the time, I believe that we will need to get outside help.
- One big objective is the roll-out of the Real-Time system. It is now going under test, but I can already tell you that it has been very useful for me to better time entries/exists either on a GDX RT signal or on secondary IWM positions.
- I plan to take my family on a two weeks holiday in April. For this to happen, the daily EV database updates will have to be fully automatic. This is no small pressure on Thanassis' team, because I am afraid that my "computer-widow" wife could grant me a divorce if I do not get the family out of our (my) daily routine.
- Finally, I also hope that becoming "computer-free" will allow me to organise small seminars in the US, which would give me the opportunity to meeting you.

Let's hope that in 2012, those in power will be able to kick the debt can further down the road so that we can all continue with our life... or to the contrary, we might need some drastic change so that our kids will have the chance to live in a stable environment - Maybe I should not have put "drastic" and "stable" in the same sentence.

Have a great end of 2011. And see you in 2012!


12-31-2011, 06:50 AM
It is already 2012 in New Zealand here.
Happy new year!!

01-01-2012, 03:13 AM
Thank Pascal and all


01-01-2012, 10:43 AM
No doubt, one of the best thing that happened to me this year has been to link with this group. Thanks very much, Pascal.

I hope you can make it to the west coast, even Seattle.


01-01-2012, 12:23 PM
To the ViT Team and all its members:

Happy 2012 and a big thank you.

I close of a nicely profitable 2011 - depending on account-risk profile I am looking @ 28 to 42%. Not too bad for a very difficult trading year.

The main thing I get from the ViT forum is the admiration I have for you guys dedication to detail, continuous study and repetitiveness of your daily analyzes. Every day your posts are a clear example that I can improve in any of these three areas.

I am very troubled to learn about Billy's sight issues -- I hope they are reversible -- Billy, I wish you and your family the best and extend my prayers.

Happy 2012 to all,


01-01-2012, 04:26 PM
Thank you Pascal, Billy, and team. You guys are awesome and have made it a great year here.


01-01-2012, 09:55 PM
Thank you Pascal, Billy and the team. I have learned so much from this website and appreciated all the fantastic daily comments, ideas and continuous research.

Looking forward to 2012,

01-02-2012, 10:24 AM
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
(Isaac Asimov)

Thank you all for the gift of knowledge.

01-02-2012, 06:06 PM
Thanks again to Pascal and the administration team for sharing their wonderful tools and insights, and thanks to all VIT members for making this forum a great place for a trader to learn and grow.

I look forward to all of the excellent conversations that we will have in 2012.

01-03-2012, 05:40 AM
I am sorry to hear Billy has eye sight problem.
I too am having cataract in left eye, which I took an surgery in early Dec to correct with a Cryslalens inplant in left eye. Unfortunately it did not help as afterwards the doctor discovered I also have retina problem. So I will undergo a vitrechtomy and membrane peel surgery on the retina, and will check and may re-do the cataract.
After that I may be able to do cataract on my right eye. At the moment the left eye is almost not used and I am seeing mainly through one eye.
I hope we all get better eye signt in 2012.

adam ali
01-03-2012, 06:43 AM
Pascal, Billy, Bob, Mike, Paul and all the VIT members,

Thank you for sharing your market knowledge in 2011 - it has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. The high level of discourse and professionalism on the site has made EV the first stop for me in forumulating market views.

I look forward to deepening my understanding of the VIT methodology in 2012 (those webinars et al sound great, Pascal) and want to wish everyone the best of luck for a successful trading year.

P.S. To Billy, Kevin and any other member suffering from health issues - I hope those issues resolve themselves to the upside, as they say.