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View Full Version : Average TEV on four inversed ETF's

08-03-2011, 04:54 AM
It appears from the late confirming signal from the Average TEV on four inversed ETF's that the large players were as confused as the rest of us !



08-03-2011, 06:13 AM
It appears from the late confirming signal from the Average TEV on four inversed ETF's that the large players were as confused as the rest of us !



They might have been already fully hedged and actually at the beach, leaving the markets to politics/HFTs and lonely traders. We would need an external event to have forced selling on a scale that is wide enough for a bear market to restart. Maybe an interest rate spike due to European or US debt downgrades? Anyway, cash is moving to the "ultra safe" US$ denominated US treasuries. Not something we would expect before a debt downgrade.
