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View Full Version : Time of day when robot updates are likely?

05-20-2011, 06:04 PM

The idea of providing a separate thread for robot updates is great. I am subscribed to it to get an email when you update it.

One question which may be of interest for some of us in time zones further west (I'm in California) is roughly at what time do you expect to make robot updates? A month or two ago updates would generally be by 11pm or midnight, in which case I could set up my stops/buy points at night before going to bed :-). More recently these updates have been 2am or, like yesterday, 4am.

Could you comment on whether you have a target update time for the robots? We should probably assume later is more likely, is that correct? (Actually, I would love to have "my robot" talk to "your robot" -- but with the forum format this doesn't seem workable)



05-21-2011, 12:00 AM
The best case scenario is about 5 hours before market opens.
Whenever I have a technical issue during the process, then it is obviously later.


05-21-2011, 03:00 AM
The best case scenario is about 5 hours before market opens.
Whenever I have a technical issue during the process, then it is obviously later.


Thank you, Pascal. That's very helpful. I will not wait up for the updates :-).
